Entities Not Supervised

Alabama State Banking Department


Regions Bank

State of Alabama
State Banking Department
P.O. Box 4600
Montgomery, AL 36103-4600
Toll Free: (866) 465-2279
Phone: (334) 252-3452
Fax: (334) 242-3500


Arkansas State Bank Department

Bodcaw Bank

Bank of OZK
(Located in Dallas Area)

Centennial Bank

Diamond Bank

Encore Bank

Farmers Bank & Trust Company (Texarkana)

Simmons Bank
(Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex)

Arkansas State Bank Department
400 Hardin Road
Suite 100
Little Rock, Arkansas 72211
Phone: (501) 324-9019
Fax: (501) 324-9028


California Department of Business Oversight

Bank of Hope

Cathay Bank

Commonwealth Business Bank

East West Bank

First Foundation Bank

Hanmi Bank

Open Bank

PCB Bank

Preferred Bank

California Department of Business Oversight
Consumer Services Office
1515 K Street, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 327-7585
Toll Free: (866) 275-2677

Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies - Division of Banking


NBH Bank

Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies - Division of Banking
1560 Broadway, Suite 975
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 894-7575
Fax: (303) 894-7570


Georgia Department of Banking and Finance

First IC Bank

Metro City Bank

PromiseOne Bank

Department of Banking and Finance
2990 Brandywine Road, Suite 200
Atlanta, Georgia 30341-5565
Phone: (770) 986-1633
Toll Free: (888)986-1633
Fax: (770) 986-1654


Illinois Division of Banking

Northern Trust

Division of Banking
320 West Washington Street
Springfield, Illinois 62786
Phone: 888-473-4858


Office of the State Bank Commissioner of Kansas

Bank of Blue Valley

CrossFirst Bank


Office of the State Bank Commissioner of Kansas
700 SW Jackson St., Suite 300
Topeka, KS 66603
Phone: (877) 387-8523
Fax: (785) 296-6037

Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions


BOM Bank

First Guaranty Bank

Gulf Coast Bank & Trust


Investar Bank

Origin Bank

Sabine State Bank & Trust Company
(Located in Center, Hemphill, and Jasper)

Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions
P.O. Box 94095
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095
Main Phone: (225) 925-4660
Phone: (888) 525-9414
  within LA
Fax: (225) 925-4524

Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance

BancorpSouth Bank

Hancock Whitney Bank (Houston Area)

Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance
P.O. Box 12129
Jackson, MS 39236-2129
Local: (601) 321-6901
Toll Free: (800) 844-2499
Fax: (601) 321-6933


Missouri Division of Finance

Commerce Bank

Landmark Bank

Providence Bank

Missouri Division of Finance
Harry S. Truman State Office Building
Rm. 630
P. O. Box 716
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
Phone: (573) 751-3242
Fax: (573) 751-9192

Nevada Department of Business and Industry - Financial Institutions Division

Beal Bank USA (Cyber Office)

Department of Business and Industry
Financial Institutions Division
3300 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 250
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102
Phone: 702-486-4120
Fax: 702-486-4563

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department

Citizens Bank of Las Cruces

First American Bank

Western Heritage Bank

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department-Financial Institutions Division
Toney Anaya Building
2550 Cerrillos Road
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504
P.O. Box 25101
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-5101
(505) 476-4885
Fax (505) 476-4670

New York State Department of Financial Services

Shinhan Bank America

Woori American Bank

New York State Department of Financial Services
Consumer Assistance
One Commerce Plaza
Albany, NY  12257
(800) 342-3736 Consumers: 1-877- BANK-NYS
Fax: (212) 480-6282


North Carolina Commissioner of Banks

Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB&T)

First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company

North Carolina Commissioner of Banks
4309 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-4309
Phone: (919) 733-3016
Fax: (919) 733-6918


Oklahoma State Banking Department

American Nation Bank 

Ameristate Bank

Anchor D Bank

Blue Sky Bank

Cattlemens Bank

Grand Bank

Bank 7

First United Bank and Trust Company


International Bank of Commerce - Oklahoma

The Bankers Bank

The First Security Bank

Stockmans Bank (Addision)

Valliance Bank (McKinney)

Oklahoma State Banking Department
2900 North Lincoln Boulevard
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105
Phone: (405) 521-2782
Fax: (405) 522-2993


Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions

First Horizon Bank

Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions
TDFI Consumer Resources Section
Tennessee Tower, 26th Floor
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, Nashville, TN 37243-1102
Phone: 800-778-4215  Fax: 615-253-7794


State of Washington Department of Financial Institutions Division of Banks

Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB&T)

First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company

State of Washington
Department of Financial Institutions Division of Banks

P.O. Box 41200
Olympia, Washington 98504-1200
Telephone (360) 902-8704
TDD (360) 664-8126
 FAX (360) 704-6904