Texas State-Chartered Banks & Holding Companies


CSBS Accredited Bank & Trust Badge


The primary function of the Department’s Bank & Trust Division is to examine and supervise banks chartered by the state of Texas. The examination programs focus on an entity's overall financial health, management practices, information technology risks, and compliance with state and federal laws.




Banks & Holding Companies: Getting Started

Chartering a Texas State Bank
Download an overview of the benefits of a Texas state-chartered bank

Forms for Banks & Holding Companies
Access basic forms, as well as forms for OREO Extensions, Bank Relocation, Change of Control, and Assessment ACH

Bidding on a Failing Texas State Bank
View an overview of the process for bidding on a failing state bank

NMLS Resource Center
Federal registration requirements under the Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act (S.A.F.E. Act)

Corporate Decision on Applications
Orders and other agency decisions issued by the Corporate Division for certain filings, including mergers, activities, conversions, and certain other filings.

Prohibited Individuals

Prohibition Orders
View a list of individuals prohibited by the Texas Department of Banking from serving a bank or other related institution.

List of individuals removed from national banks (OCC)

Examination Procedures

Examination tools used in the supervisory process of state-chartered banks.

Regulations Governing Banks & Holding Companies

The Law & Guidance Manual includes select statutes, rules, legal opinions, supervisory memorandums, and regulatory guidance applicable to Texas state-chartered banks & holding companies.

Information Technology Resources

Corporate Account Takeover
Best practices for reducing the risks of CATO, minimum standards risk management, and other helpful resources.

Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) - Cybersecurity
Executive Leadership of Cybersecurity resources and information.

Financial Services- Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC)
Resource for cyber and physical threat intelligence analysis and sharing. FS-ISAC was created by and for members and operates as a member-owned non profit entity.

Regulations and Publications for Financial Institutions
FDIC Users Guide for Technology

Cyber Challenge: A Community Bank Cyber Exercise
FDIC developed exercises for to help institutions discuss operational risk issues and the potential impact of information technology disruptions on common banking functions.

Avoiding Common ACH Origination Weaknesses
Recommended Practices for Financial Institutions



Ransomware Self-Assessment Tool (R-SAT) v2.0

The Bankers Electronic Crimes Taskforce (BECTF), State Bank Regulators, and the United States Secret Service developed this tool in late 2020 to help financial institutions assess their efforts to mitigate risks associated with ransomware and identify gaps for increasing security. Ransomware has become the most visible cyber threat to our nation’s networks. The rapid advancements in ransomware and its potentially devastating consequences require that every financial institution review and update its controls. Ransomware preparedness will help to minimize the risk of total loss of records.

Version 2.0 issued October 2023, reflects updates developed in light of evolutions in the ransomware threat environment and threat actor behaviors, as well as changes in bank control environments that have occurred since its original issuance. Updates to the R-SAT were also based in part on the results of a study conducted by multiple state banking departments of ransomware attacks on state-chartered banks and credit unions between 2019 and 2022. Findings from this study are summarized in the report, Ransomware: Lessons Learned by Banks That Suffered an Attack.

Reducing the Risk of Ransomware
Best practices for reducing the risks of Ransomware, minimum standards risk management, and other helpful resources.

Ransomware Guide
The U.S. Government interagency technical guidance document aimed to inform Chief Information Officers and Chief Information Security Officers at critical infrastructure entities, including small, medium, and large organizations. This document provides an aggregate of already existing Federal Government and private industry best practices and mitigation strategies focused on the prevention and response to ransomware incidents.

Cyber Security Assessment Tools

The following tools and resources can help management and directors understand supervisory expectations, increase awareness of cyber risks, and assess and mitigate cyber risks.

Departmental Cyber Notices

  • Notice 2025-01: Cyber Alert: Cybersecurity Threats: Actions to Take Today
  • Notice 2023-04: Ransomware Self-Assessment Tool Version 2.0 for Mitigating the Risks of Ransomware
  • Notice 2022-05: Amendment to Rule Requiring Notification of a Computer Security Incident by a Texas State-Chartered Bank
  • Notice 2021-07: Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Focusing on the Fundamentals
  • Notice 2020-13: Self-Assessment Tool for Mitigating the Risks of Ransomware
  • Notice 2020-07: Increased Cyber Activity During Times of Crisis
  • Notice 2020-01: Requirements for a Cybersecurity Incident Report filed by a Texas State-Chartered Bank or Trust Company
  • Notice 2013-03 – Oversight of Cyber –Crime Risks
  • Notice 2015-08 – Cybersecurity Assessments and the FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment Tool

General Banker Resources

Bank Assessment Calculator
Calculating a State Bank's Assessment

Banking Online Safely
A double-sided handout that provides "8 Tips for Banking Online Safely" and "8 Tips to be More Cybersecure."

Banker Required Disclosures and Notices Required

Banker Surveys

Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS)

CSBS has developed several job aids to help examiners and bankers, including aids for BSA/AML and Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Inclement Weather or Emergency Closings

Overview and resources for handling a closures related to weather or other emergencies 

Texas Home Equity

Finance Commission of Texas Home Equity Lending Information

Closed Account Notification System (CANS)

Enroll & Report Compromised Accounts
Portal for financial institutions to register and report compromised accounts

User Manual
Manual for CANS users to navigate through the reporting system

Reporting Scenarios
Scenarios for reporting compromised consumer bank accounts to CANS

Model Form for the Sworn Statement of Offense
Form to be completed by consumers in order to report a compromised account.

E-mail directly for assistance with reporting or updating contact information on records with the Department


Communication with the Department

Authorized Contact & Email System (ACES)
To add, change, & review contact information for your financial institution. Password required. To get set up for ACES, send an email .

ZIX Secure Message Center
To send/retrieve secure messages to/from the Department of Banking.  First time users should review the ZIX Instructions before beginning.

File a Complaint
How to file a complaint against a state-chartered bank.

Boards of directors or executives of banks can file a request for reconsideration of examination finding (REF).

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